I am a raw person like any other ordinary people and never ever call myself a professional writer nor a journalist but I am a human being like anyone in this world and love the country where I was born which is natural. At times I feel sad, and disturbed like anyone, whenever I read or watch 99% of Pakistanis in a situation where ordinary people are suffering so badly, innocent killings, target killings, all the suffering, families suicidal due to starving in Pakistan, even when the incidents of GHQ, Mehran Navel, killings of two youngsters by the US culprit Raymond Davis and then his escape from Pakistan with the help of Pakistan authorities, killings of journalist, and young man’s killing by the Rangers and these all did not stopped its going on every day in all over Pakistan and what we all are doing just reading or watching and feel sorry, show our anger for a day or two or even for a week and listen to the Government officials that they will bring all the culprits into justice. We feel satisfied when our Government announces that they will give so much money to the families who lost their loved ones in those acts. We are very firm and never miss any chance to discuss these incidences while sitting with friends or in big gathering. Why do we blame Pakistani talk shows where we are all somehow doing the same things? Why do we blame our corrupt Government, our politicians where we all know that they are all looters? Why do we all attend and listen to all these culprits when we know that they are not least sincere to people of Pakistan?
We all know that they made Pakistan
a Nation of Baggers. These corrupt politicians have failed us because
they don’t have any care, love, or true sincere feelings
for the people of Pakistan and the country. They sit in our
assemblies, make our laws and decide our future for their own sake to
fill their pockets with 99% people’s tax money, and they are
competing with in themselves for just one cause which is who can be
more richer than other, who can have more properties, and wealth inside
and outside Pakistan and for this they don’t bother
about the innocent killings, all the suffering, families suicidal
due to starving in Pakistan, They don’t ever mind if the world leaders
use terrible languages against Pakistan and their people.
Why do they care or bother when they are very much sure that the 99%
of Pakistanis will not going to take any actions, they know that
Pakistanis in Pakistan and around the world can only read,
watch or show their anger for day or two and then forget what
Like all those 99% of Pakistanis, I
was also watching one talk show yesterday night where anchor bring a
topic about Mr. Nawaz Sharif’s Raiwind farm house and I
was shocked to know that only one place these people have 570 police
man to guard the farmhouse and we are always going to attend these
corrupt politicians when they address in any rally, while
we also can see with our own eyes that these and others so called
political leaders comes to these rallies with huge guards to protect
them and we just listen, clap, and shout for them. Why do we
go and listen to these entire corrupt politician’s craps that just
care and build their empires inside and outside Pakistan, who are least
bother about any Pakistanis.
We perhaps don’t need Wiki Leaks
disclosures to tell us that Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari is a
crook. Or, that opposition leader Nawaz Sharif has no
spine, not to mention grey matter under his and his brother
now-restored hair, thanks to thousands of pounds spent on hair
transplant surgery in London. There is a brighter side to living in
exile after all why do they care about the suffering of the people
of Pakistan. It is also no secret that the Saudi monarch, King Abdullah
has a low opinion of Zardari and aware that he is hated
in Pakistan, Zardari has requested, according to Wiki Leaks, the
rulers of the United Arab Emirates, for asylum for his family if he is
ousted from power or killed. He and his late wife have a
huge mansion in Dubai and properties in Britain, France and the US.
When not in power, the Bhutto-Zardari combine spend their life outside
Pakistan and it’s not only them but majority of these so
called leaders. They never venture outside without their bodyguards.
Most of the time they hide in fortified residences that resemble
military bunkers in a war zone while claiming to represent
the people of Pakistan.
Pakistan’s tragedy lies in the
corruption and incompetence of its ruling elites. They have great flair
for stealing money: from the national treasury as well as
the people and even they get some bakhsheesh from Uncle Sam. They
pay no taxes yet insist they have a birthright to rule the country. The
National Assembly is little more than a body of
“who’s who” in the criminal syndicate. Laws are
enacted to protect the interests of feudal lords. When these are not
served, the same laws are broken to ensure the elites’
interests are protected.
Corruption scams running into
billions of rupees in such government enterprises as the Pakistan Steel
Mill, Pakistan State Oil, the national airline PIA where
every official’s son, nephew or cousin is employed making it the
most lucrative cash cow for Pakistani parasites. Despite flying
virtually full flights to various destinations — North America,
Europe and the Middle East, PIA has run up hundreds of millions of
dollars in debt. With so many parasites on its payroll, the debt was
bound to occur. The PIA management has asked the government
to write off its debt because they just want to keep enjoying their
dance parties. There are so many other which include rental power
plants, National Highway Authority (NHA), Karachi Electricity
Supply Company (PESC), Pakistan Electric and Power Company (PEPCO),
Oil and Gas Development Company (OGDC), Capital Development Authority
(CDA), Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP), Trade
Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), Pakistan National Identity
Card Data Centre, Employees Old Age Benefit Institutions (EOBI) and you
just think of any corporation in Pakistan and you will
find corruption scams.
Lawlessness is in every part of
Pakistan whether it’s in the tribal areas where there is intense
fighting and the plight of people made worse by US drone attacks,
or any city or villages, people no longer feel safe. Kidnappings for
ransom have become routine. Ministers, members of parliament,
bureaucrats and police officials are all involved in such
crimes. They act as go-betweens to secure a person’s release for a
hefty fee. It is difficult to tell criminals and kidnappers from members
of parliament and government officials. Under such
circumstances, it is useless to register a complaint with the police
since they themselves are involved in these crimes.
I couldn’t sleep last night since I
learnt that now suicidal attackers are kidnapping little children from
the age of one to eight years and using them for the
suicidal attacks. At one incident where they use a five year old
innocent girl and wrapped her with explosives and left her in a busy
place but luckily some people noticed her crying and then
explosive removal squad came and removed the explosives from her
body. I was literally shivering when I heard this and was thinking all
the time how can be a person so cruel, how come they do
this to so innocent children, why they don’t think for a minute if
someone do this to their own child or their loved ones how they will
feel and why they don’t think of those parents whose child
you kidnapped how they will going to survive. Don’t forget one day,
yes one day we all have to die then what answers you will going to give
to Allah for these kinds of barbaric crimes.
Apart from the lawlessness, and
corruption, the country is totally mismanaged. Pollution has resulted in
massive increase in respiratory diseases. Forests have
been wiped out while water is contaminated. The once fertile lands
are being turned into wasteland. Roads are clogged and traffic jams are a
common occurrence. The elites meanwhile live in their
heavily protected bunkers, but for how long? The
lava of resentment is bubbling underneath and is bound to break the
surface sooner or later. What is missing in Pakistan is a
charismatic sincere leader with his team of patriotic people who
from the bottom of their hearts love and care and keen to do good things
for Pakistan and its people, that would channel people’s
energies in the right direction. Some people are pinning hopes on
Imran Khan, the former cricket star. He says the right things and has
earned people’s trust through the charitable work he is
doing but sorry to say he does not have a team of people who can
help Pakistani people to get rid of these culprit leaders. He needs a
strong movement to bring about change. The feudal are too
deeply entrenched to relinquish power so easily.
Why do we all watch or even attend
those senseless TV shows like “Koun Baneyga Meera ka patti” and why do
we all waste our so much time on watching those kind of
talk shows or chatting hours and hours on chat sites or social
websites where our own people are killed on a daily basis.
I wish to see into Pakistani
politics people of competence, integrity and honor who take pride to
help bring Nation of Pakistan’s respect to the world,
who care and love the nation of Pakistan.
They don’t hesitate to take any
steps to get rid of all the sufferings which our people are going
through due to poverty, illiteracy, hunger, kidnapping, and
innocent killings. We all have to act now because we the Nation of Pakistan have to do it otherwise these corrupt politicians will never stop their Musical Chair game
to take and wait for their turn to loot Pakistan! Wake up, Please for the sake of almighty Allah!
Wake up Pakistan!