Nation of Pakistan

Nation of Pakistan
Yes, We can bring change in Pakistan

Friday, November 12, 2010

Justice Taqi Usmani about ISNA and Eid ul Adha Celeberation! | Nation of Pakistan

Before you plan to celebrate Eid-ul-Adha, either on November 16 or 17, please read  the following article which is worth reading before you decide.?

I have gone through the article of ISNA and with the utmost respect for their sentiment for Muslim unity, I am forced to say that the view expressed in the article (Eid al-Adha on next day of Arafat) is in total disagreement with the teachings of Quran and Sunnah, and with the Shari’ah position recognized throughout the centuries. This is an unprecedented view which has never been adopted by any of the Muslim jurists during the past 1400 years, and it has a number of intrinsic defects and anomalies, some of which are summarized here.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A tribute to Dr. Zoha!Baba-e-Pharmacy

By Syed Rashid Husain

Dr. S.M.S. Zoha, fondly referred to as the baba-e-pharmacy in Pakistan, the founding dean of the faculty of Pharmacy, University of Karachi, revered and loved by his thousands of students, and dreaded and despised by some of his ‘friends’ – for his was a truly towering personality amidst the Lilliputians to be found all around, breathed his last in Karachi on Tuesday the 2nd of November 2010.
During the hey days of the University of Karachi, while Dr. Isthiaque Hussain Qureshi was at the helm, Dr. Zoha was regarded as one of the pillars of Karachi University.  Dr. Qureshi was instrumental in bringing Dr. Zoha into the University fold. And when he moved into the University, the salary that was on offer was one third of what he was getting at his then job. Decades later, in 80s, I once asked Dr. Zoha what prompted him to take up the university job at one third his earlier salary? And the answer remains ingrained in mind to this date: ‘I wanted to live for posterity and indeed I may have wanted to be driven in a chauffer driven Mercedes, yet that was not my need. My requirements could easily have been met by a rickshaw taking me to the University,’ the old fashioned that Dr. Zoha was said, rather emphatically.